Buff away any sign of dryness to reveal younger-looking lips with our Sugar Lip Scrubs. This enriching product offers potent hydrating and nourishing conditioners for smooth, soft, and plump lips.
What’s in Our Sugar Lip Scrub?
Simple ingredients can pack powerful benefits. Our Sugar Lip Scrub includes:
- Safflower Seed Oil: Seals in moisture and creates barrier against dryness
- Shea Butter: Rich in moisturizing and soothing properties
- Rice Bran, Sunflower & Rosemary Lead Extract: Offers protection-providing antioxidants to soften and nourish lips
Benefits of Sugar Lip Scrub
Reveal brighter, plumper, and youthful lops with our Sugar Lip Scrub. This one-step product:
- Exfoliates dryness, flakiness & chapping
- Reveals smooth, moisturized lips
- Nourishes lips with deep hydration
- Prepares lips for easy application of lip products
How to Use
Apply a liberal amount to lips and gently massage in circular motions to polish and smooth lips. Rinse with warm water and follow with Smoothing Lip Balm.